Mission statement: “Facility Management excellence for everyone”

In the beginning…

Our company has now worked on consulting and implementing Facility Management software and processes since 1994. When the company started this journey, the concept of Facility Management did not exist in the minds of its founders. The main objective at the start was the maintenance of buildings and the development of knowledge banks for durability of building parts. We were lucky to get good customers from the very beginning. Our focus was on documentation of building components, with maintenance needs as a central theme.

Champions of registration

It must be said that, that in cooperation with our customers, we probably made all the mistakes that could be made in these early years. Brave men and women were sent out to the buildings sites to measure and record every building component, ranging from windows, roofs, walls, technical systems etc. Everything was recorded with accuracy and put in a database. Photographs were taken and marked on. We were soon champions in registering and marking all building parts on photos and drawings. Soon, however, we in MainManager and our customers got our wake-up call. How could – and should – we maintain all this information, and what did the building owner gain with this detailed information? We were thinking as maintenance consultants but not of the needs of owners and operators of the buildings. All this information was good for consultants who had to prepare offerings of building maintenance every 8 years…

Finding our way

This was a good lesson for us and our customers, and it should be mentioned that they are still our customers today. It was not until we were told; «We need tools that solve our daily tasks«, that we really began to identify what kind of processes are useful in general management of real estate. Since then, we have learned that our subject has been named „Facility Management“. We have from the beginning, been keen to develop this subject further with great partners in Scandinavia and Great Britain. The journey has been extremely instructive, and now we are in a place where MainManager has developed recognized and tested solutions within the FM sector.

Our mission

We have worked with the largest and most skillful asset management companies in our market. This way we have learned which processes in Facility Management gives the most benefits. Our goal is to create FM solutions that small and medium-sized companies can use less costly. This is therefore our mission “Facility Management excellence for everyone”.

Gunnlaugur B. Hjartarson

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